Sehen Sie diese großartige Dokumentation über eine Kajaktour auf der Vjosa - einer der letzten Wildflüsse Europas - von ihrer Quelle in den griechischen Bergen bis zu der Mündung in das Adriatische Meer. Vielen Dank Leeway Collective für diese atemberaubenden Eindrücke und die Sensibilisierung für die Schönheit und Wert dieses eindrucksvollen Flusses!
One For The River: The Vjosa Story from Leeway Collective on Vimeo.
A documentary about the last free flowing river in Europe. Wilderness, free flowing river, species diversity, simple and loving people, exploring of the river valley, sleeping under the stars, whitewater kayaking, and clear message why we have to fight for the rivers...
Full story with photographs and words on www.leeway-collective.com
Produced and directed by
Nejc Miljak / instagram.com/nejcmiljak
Anze Osterman / instagram.com/anzeosterman
Made possible by Patagonia / http://www.patagonia.com
Generous support from
Save The Blue Heart Of Europe / http://www.balkanrivers.net
Sandiline / http://www.sandiline.com
Pyranha / http://www.pyranha.com
Ortlieb / https://www.ortlieb.com
Adventure Technology / http://www.atpaddles.com
Special thanks to Aleš Snoj and Nejc Bravničar (www.balkan-trout.com), Roland Dorozhani (aerial photos), Giorgio Ponti (archive photos), Poni (http://www.last.fm/music/Poni), Salus (http://www.salus.si/en), Volkswagen Slovenija (http://www.volkswagen.si).
Music by
Josh Hoover - Silent Wonder
Tony Anderson - Dwell
Carolino - In the Darkness
Poni - Vjosa
Qualia - Theory Of Tides
Qualia - Syzygy
Inquiries: home@leeway-collective.com
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