Several hydropower plants are planned on the upper Neretva © Amel Emric

At the urging of nature conservation organizations, the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention took another look at various projects in the Balkans at its most recent meeting. These include an airport in the middle of the Narta Lagoon in the Vjosa delta in Albania or a series of hydropower plants along the Neretva in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The destroyed river Lumbardhi in the National Park. © Shpresa Loshaj

The Kosovar Minister for Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure informed the public via Facebook about the presentation of a concept for the area Zalli I Rupes. In this post, Riverwatch is mentioned and it might give the impression, that Riverwatch has been part of a process towards re-opening of the hydropower plants in the region and that we have given a “green light” for this. This is not the case.

For the past eight months, river activists from around the world demanded a Vjosa National Park Now. There have been 23 visual actions across 13 countries in the middle of cities, national parks, in front of national monuments or in special natural places.

After a decade of efforts to protect the Vjosa River in Albania, this petition will gather the voices of all supporters and demand an action that will make a real change: Proclaiming Vjosa as a National Park. Sign the petition and share it with your friends so that we join our efforts to protect what nature took centuries to create.

Due to hydropower and other river regulation, freshwater species are the most threatened of all © Amel Emric

We joined together with 300 organizations from around the world to call on our global leaders to protect rivers and stop funding hydropower projects as false solutions to the climate crisis. Hydropower is neither green nor climate-neutral and has let to an alarming loss of freshwater biodiversity.

The 2nd edition of the European Rivers Summit, held in Lisbon, has been postponed to November 18-20,2021 due to COVID19. There are still open spots so REGISTER NOW and join activists and specialists to share knowledge, network and talk about rivers protection, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. To get all further updates on the European Rivers Summit (ERS) Lisbon 2020 go to
