While a COVID19-related curfew is in force in the province of Tyrol /Austria, the construction work for the highly contested Tumpen-Habichen hydropower plant on the previously free-flowing Ötztaler Ache has been secretly started without informing local residents. Completely unchecked, the hydro developers are allowed to destroy this world-famous kayak river and landscape, and project opponents have no possibility to physically and publicly protest against it. It is utterly incomprehensible how an environmental permit could have been granted for a hydropower project in a river stretch as ecologically valuable and rare as this section of the Ötztaler Ache! Please act not
Please sign the petition and to the responsible provincial politicians to stop this madness!
Please also participate in the email action tell the provincial government of Tyrol that it is violating EU Water Framework Directive by approving this hydropower plant! Email template and addresses can be found HERE
Initiated by WET - Wildwasser receiving Tyrol, supported by the Free Rivers Fund, WWF Austria and the "Citizens' Initiative Against Tumpen Hydropower Plant".
For more information contact
Marieke Vogt
Free Rivers Fund
Tel.: +43 699 160 380 58
E-Mail: mail@freerivers.org
Marianne Götsch
WWF Österreich
Sprecherin Gewässerschutz
Tel.: +43 676 834 88 309
E-Mail: marianne.goetsch@wwf.at