++ Handbook provides insights into environmental rights and how to use them ++ Examples from the Mavrovo National Park in North Macedonia ++
Yesterday, the legal toolkit “Practice your environmental rights – legal tools and mechanisms” has been presented by the NGO Front 21/42. The toolkit provides guidance for national and international CSOs and activists on how to use their environmental rights with a special focus on the protection of rivers from destructive hydropower developments. For the first time, such document has been prepared in North Macedonia.
“The toolkit describes legal tools and mechanisms that we used in our 10-year fight for saving the Mavrovo National Park from destructive hydropower developments. It explains how to practice existing environmental rights in the decision-making processes on national and international level. It hereby refers to the Aarhus Convention, the Bern Convention and the environmental and social policies of international financial institutions which provide financial assistance for hydropower projects.” says Aleksandra Bujaroska, CEO at Environmental Citizens’ Association “Front 21/42”.
The toolkit also contains a collection of case studies derived from the direct experiences in the protection of the Mavrovo National Park as well as a selection of events and actions that can be used as supplements to legal procedures in order to gather support, keep the public informed and put pressure on decision makers.
This toolkit is intended for all national and international CSOs and activists that want to take action for preserving the Blue Heart of Europe. We hope that you will be inspired to take action and start your legal battle today.
The toolkit has been prepared by the North Macedonian team of the Save the Blue Heart of Europe Campaign, Front 21/42 and Eko-svest, and is jointly published together with EuroNatur Foundation and Riverwatch.