Things are getting serious in Hasankeyf. The Ilisu dam is basically completed. Nevertheless, initiatives keep fighting for the preservation of this historic city. Here at the Global Hasankeyf Action Day in 2015 © Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive
Global Hasankeyf Action Day in 2015 © Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive
The HDP parliamentarian Mehmet Ali Aslan chained himself to a rock in Hasankeyf for 2 days in ordert o protest against the demolition of  human-formed rocks © Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive
A new broad initiative against Ilisu – Volunteers for Hasankeyf – was founded in Istanbul. These association of 51 organisations will come to Hasankeyf tomorrow. © Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive

September 23, 2017 - 2nd Global Hasankeyf Action Day

The Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive (HYG) has called for the 2nd Global Hasankeyf Action Day on the 23rd of September 2017. On the day in many countries people will do different actions in order to protest the destructive Ilisu Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant Project which threatens to flood the 12.000 years old town Hasankeyf and 136 km long the Tigris River in the Kurdistan Region of Turkey. Local and international campaigns could stop the Ilisu Project in the past twice the finance (2002 and 2009) and since its start in 2010 three timesthe construction. Hasankeyf has become to the symbol of the resistance against the Ilisu Project which would bring destruction to local people, nature and culture and only benefit for the Turkish government. Ilisu Project is a crime against humanity and nature!

All around the world people and organizations are called to do an action on Saturday, 23 of September. If not enough people are ready to do an action, take a picture in front of the symbolic place in your town with a banner (like: Save Hasankeyf! And/or No Ilisu Dam!) showing the participation to the action day. According to current information actions will be done in 13 locations:


Action place




In the whole town



Bagdad - Iraq

Almutanaby Straße (Zentrum)

Start 10.00

On the 22.3.!

Silemanî – Iraqi-Kurdistan

Salim Street, In front of the Silemani Palast

Start 16.00


Rom - Italy

Centro Scouts, Largo dello Scoutismo 1; National Assembly of Italian peace Network



Barcelona - Catalonia




Bilbao – Basque Country

Plaza Biribilan

Start 12.00


Brighton - UK

New Street (City Center)



Geneva - Switzerland

At the UN Main Building



Frankfurt – Germany




Berlin – Germany

Alten Nationalgalerie, Bodestr./ Museumsinsel



Hamburg – Germany

U-Bahn Sternenschanze, at Schanzenfest


Main action at 16 Uhr

Hannover – Germany

Ernst-August Denkmal/Statue



Port Townsend, Washington - USA

Mobil through the town



On the action day we will start also a signature campaign against the Dutch company Bresser. Bresser consults the Turkish government in the relocation process of nine monuments from Hasankeyf.

On the day of action everybody can share and follow our action day via a Twitter Hashtag (#DunyaHasankeyfGunu2017) and our Facebook Account.

A new report in English on the Ilisu Dam Project and Hasankeyf can be downloaded at the HYG website.


Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive (HYG)
Twitter: @hasankeyfdicle