From September 27 to 29, we will hold a first European river summit in Sarajevo. Goal of the meeting is to bring together river lovers and initiatives from all over Europe in order to exchange experience, develop ideas and network. Please share and save the date!

Global Sur and Hasankeyf Action Day in Hasankeyf

In solidarity with the two antique cities Hasankeyf and Sur, which are both destined for destruction by the Turkish government, actions in 30 cities around the world have been organized to draw attention to repressive and exploitative policies. Hasankeyf is to be drowned in the reservoir of the almost finished Ilisu dam project.  Ilisu is opposed by the overwhelming majority of the public. Read this press release...

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouindard is an avid fisherman © Jeremy Koreski

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard has written an article about hydropower that is meant to rip the green-bandage off this outdated and harmful technology. It has already been covered by several media, such as Huffington Post or Focus and is featured on Patagonia’s blog The Cleanest Line. Enjoy!

The new documentary “Blue Heart” follows our campaign and other, local stakeholders through the Balkans to document the crime committed on Europe’s last river jewels and on communities who live by them. Watch the trailer below an discover the Blue Heart in this story map.
